Once again it is best to lay siege and try to tempt the enemy into attacking you. Merge any healthy units from the battle of Coni with Napoleon’s force and advance to take Turin next. Battle of Turin and the end of Piedmont-Sardinia Developing buildings and roads will increase your income in the longer term. There are very few building options so it is worth ordering every construction you can as soon as you have the money, for example the Merchant House in the town of Antibes. This will help your men replenish their units after battle. Once you have Cunco build the Supply Post in the town of Mondovi immediately. It is best to peacefully occupy captured cities to safeguard future income and avoid too much unrest.

Always keep your General in a safe position, preferably behind the crest of a hill, because a lucky cannonball for the enemy can prove to be a real disaster for you. If you have to then it is well worth sacrificing your cavalry to silence their cannons. When the enemy has artillery you should try to use your cavalry to take them out, especially when they have been left unprotected. These basic tactics should serve you well for most battles. Once the enemy are in range of your infantry switch your artillery to use grapeshot and you’ll have them routing in no time. Line your infantry up two men deep and try to create wedges so that at least two units are covering the same area of ground in front of them.
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Find good vantage spots for your artillery and set them free from the horses immediately so that they can begin firing. When the battle for Coni begins there is a hill on your left which makes a great place to set up. It is always easier to defend than attack so just siege the city and let them attack you when you end the turn. In the same turn take the army on the left and advance on Coni to siege it. You’ll begin with Napoleon on the right and it is a good idea to immediately advance and deal with the Austrian army lurking just over the border ahead of you. This campaign is relatively short (40 turns) and so there is no time to waste. Your first task is to take the city of Coni and thereby secure the region of Cunco which is held by Piedmont-Sardinia. With the ultimate target of Klagenfurt in the far distance under comfortable Austrian rule the campaign begins with Northern Italy. His clever tactics, and in particular his use of artillery, earned him several victories during this campaign. By the time Napoleon returned to Paris at the end of 1797 he had become a French hero and humbled the once mighty nation of Austria. Having been awarded the command of the Army of Italy this was an important step on his rise to power. The first campaign Napoleon undertook in Italy in 1796 is the focus of this chapter of Napoleon: Total War.